Mission Day
Mission Day - May 2024
On Wednesday 19th June we celebrated a whole school mission day with the pupils, staff and governors all being part of this special day. We took time to revisit our mission statement and consider how this expresses what is so special about St Joseph's and how it inspires us each and every day.
Our mission is deeply rooted in the Word of God so each class explored a Gospel story so that we could explore how Jesus specifically teaches us to behave and consider what this looks like today, at St Joseph's.
The children each decorated a footstep making each one as beautiful and unique as we all are as children of God. They wrote how they would follow in Jesus' footsteps, inspired by their study of their class gospel story. We processed with joy whilst singing 'Walk in the Light' around our school grounds.
Our procession culminated in a celebration of the word led by Deacon Gerry where we heard Matthew's Gospel " Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.” A mission that we continue here today at St Joseph's. The children brought forward their work and spoke about their gospel story and how this teaches us to follow in Jesus' footsteps.
After our celebration of the word - we spent time having fun on the field as a whole school community. Our Year 6's led games and activities for the rest of the school and we all enjoyed an ice pop in the warm sunshine.
Also, throughout the day our Mini-Vinnies had fund raised by selling juice and biscuits and our Faith Leaders led activities in our prayer garden.