The Curriculum at St. Joseph's
"God is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God, and God in them."
(1 John 4:16)
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is committed to teaching a diverse, inspiring and creative curriculum which reflects its children and young people. We aim to make happy memories that will last forever and encourage them to be life-long, independent and resilient learners who are prepared to take their place in the world and shape it for the better. We hope to give them the confidence to develop all their talents, gifts and skills so that all might reach their full potential in whatever aspect of life they wish to pursue in the future; we will inspire the next generation to become the very best they can be and have a positive effect on everyone they live, work and come into contact with. Our curriculum will reflect the culturally rich and diverse nature of our school community and be proud to celebrate its rich heritage.
We will encourage our children to become healthy, fully rounded young people who will grow into kind and loving future adults. We will achieve this by teaching them about the love of Christ and how it can motivate them to do good for all, especially for the poor and vulnerable in our world; we want our young people to make a difference to their world and the world of those they meet. We want them to always be “Following in the Footsteps of Jesus” wherever they go in their bright and brilliant futures. We will inspire our young people to achieve highly and to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with their God as they journey through life.
To achieve this, our curriculum is personalised and structured to facilitate deep learning where children know more and remember more; it is ambitious, challenging and relevant. The curriculum will be engaging, filled with exciting first-hand experiences and be based in our local context so that it is meaningful to our children.
The curriculum is delivered by staff who care deeply for our young people and who are prepared to go the extra mile for them so that they can learn in an atmosphere inspired by the Catholic virtues of our school, where all feel nurtured to full human wholeness.
“I have come that you should have life and have it to the full!”
(John 10:10)
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Staff, Governors and Children
Spring Term 2023
Curriculum Long Term Plans
The document below contains the complete long term plans for the school. Individual year group plans can be found on the class pages.
If you would like a printed copy of any of these documents, please contact the school office.