St. Joseph's House System
This year, you will continue to see a range of changes and improvements that we began last year. One of the key changes we have made, saw the introduction of ‘House System’ as a way of rewarding good behaviour and work for all children across school.
Previously, children earned individual points and these have been totalled up at the end of the year, with the children receiving a certificate for 50, 100 and 200 points. This year, the children will work as part of four houses, or teams, to earn points as a collective, with rewards being given to the team with the most points. We have chosen to make this change as we want to see the children working more closely together and equally celebrating in their own and others’ achievements.
The children have been placed into one of four teams: St. George, St. Andrew, St. David and St. Patrick. These Houses have been carefully chosen to represent the four Patron Saints of the United Kingdom, further developing the children's understanding of British culture.
Points earned by the children will be added up each week and announced in our Celebration Assembly. They are also published in the weekly newsletter so that parents/carers can celebrate with their children. The house with the most points each half term will win the House Point Trophy. At the end of the year, the house with most points will have a special reward!!
Children can earn points by working hard, being kind, being a good friend, showing respect: in essence, doing the right the right time!!