Year 4
Welcome to Year 4 2024/25
Class Teachers - Miss G Laidler and Mrs C Dealtry
Teaching Assistant - Mrs L Indukuri
Welcome to our Year 4 class page. We have an exciting year ahead.
Key Days:
P.E. - Monday and Thursday (Swimming)
Homework due - Wednesday
Spelling Test - Friday
R.E: our topic this half-term is The Bible.
The children will learn that the Bible is a story of God’s love and concern for us. They will learn that the Bible is a living book through which God speaks to us and tells us about himself. They will learn that the Bible is one story toldthrough many different books and they will learn about Moses, David and Jonah as well as learning how to find a Bible reference.
The children will have the chance to:
• explore how the Bible helps us to pray and experience how God speaks to us in the Bible
• participate in a liturgy and experience a guided meditation on a text from the Bible
At home, you could help your child by:
• reading some of the stories the children have covered in class
- English - Reading: we will be reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. We will be practising our fluency skills as well as comprehension strategies.
- English - Writing: we will be writing various narratives linking to our Guided Reading text. Including, descriptions and writing from alternative points of view.
- Maths: we will be practising our place value skills by representing, writing and partitioning numbers up to 10,000. We will continue to consolidate our learning of our timestables.
At home, you can help your child by helping them learn their timetables. This will help them later in the year in both multiplication and division.
- Science: our science topic this half-term is Sound.
At home, you can help your child by visiting the library and looking at information books relating to sound.
- History: our topic this half-term is The Normans. We will learn about The Battle at Stamford Bridge and The Battle of Hastings.
At home, you can help your child by finding information books about The Normans.
P.E: on a Monday, we will be covering gymnastics. Swimming will take place on a Thursday.
Music - We continue our Wednesday morning music lessons with the Diocese of Leeds music lessons. These teach singing, performance and parts of music theory.
Curriculum Long Term Plan
Harry Potter - Sorting Hat
We have been reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. One of our friends brought in a sorting hat and we all were sorted into a Hogwarts House!
R.E. The month of the Rosary
October is the month of the Rosary. We have been praying the Rosary as a whole school and in worship as a class.
R.E. - using the Bible
In our R.E. Lessons, we have been practising using Bible references. We have also been exploring the different parts of the Bible, comparing the Old and New Testaments.
Forest Schools
Some of us took part in an after school club focused on Forest School. We learned how to cook over a fire, as well as use a bow and arrow to aim for a target.
R.E. - Creation
We have started tidying our prayer garden and preparing it for Spring. We cleared the area of weeds and planted some bulbs. We can’t wait to watch them grow!
The Royal Armouries - The Normans
Our history topic is about The Normans. We visited the Royal Armouries and took part in a workshop all about the events that took place in 1066.