Year 6
During Mission day, Year Six spent some time looking and the parables 'The lost sheep' and 'The Mustard seed'. We spent sometime unpicking what we thought the parables meant and how we could relate to them in our day to day lives. We then shared our thoughts and ideas in our Collective Worship where we planted mustard seeds and explained what they need to grow and compared that to what we need to grow and follow in God's footsteps.
Our footsteps!
Year Six spent some time decorating and writing on their footsteps explaining everything we do at St. Joseph's to follow in Jesus footsteps. The children came up with some really good answers such as: Our class charities, supporting the good shepherd Mass, raising money during Lent, being a kind friend and much, much more.
We then walked outside with our footsteps and processed around the school and back into the hall with our Reception buddies.