Year 5
Using air resistance to create effective parachutes
We were given the task of creating a parachute which would descend as slowly as possible. We discovered that the parachutes with the largest canopy had the greatest air resistance acting against them.
Investigating the effects of friction
We tested different materials to see which ones would act as the best brake.
Year 5 Earth and Moon orbiting the Sun
To help us understand how the Earth rotates as it orbits the Sun while it is being orbited by the Moon, we acted out the movements on the school field.
Science week - Fit for Flight!

We looked at examples of how a curved wing helped to make the first aircraft fly then we tried to build a device which was as aerodynamic as possible. Watch the video to see how well they flew!
Investigation to find out if the temperature of water affects how quickly sugar dissolves
We concluded that the warmer the water the quicker the sugar dissolved - perfect for a nice cup of tea!
Experiment- To investigate the thermal conductivity of materials.
Year 5 were looking at thermal conductivity. As a class the children devised a method and carried out the experiment. The children concluded that bubble wrap was the best insulating material.