Here at St Joseph’s we put the highest value on all pupils attending school every day and being on time. We strive for all children to reach their full potential and this can only be achieved by your child being in school every day, for the full day. We work hard with parents to overcome any problems leading to poor attendance – we will support you but also challenge you if your child does not have good attendance.
Pupils are rewarded for their good attendance and punctuality. Each week in Celebration Assembly all children who have attended school each day, and on time, are entered into our ‘HERO - Here, Everyday, Ready, On time’ class raffles. One child from each class wins a small prize.
There is a weekly trophy for the class with the highest attendance and another for the class with the best punctuality.
From time to time we also run additional inter-class attendance competitions with the winning class being able to choose a reward of their own choice.
Our school attendance target is 96.5%. Pupils whose attendance falls below 90% cause us a real concern and are deemed as persistently absent. If your child’s attendance falls below or close to 90% you will be invited into school for an attendance meeting with Mrs Williams and Mrs Mahoney.
We also work with an Attendance Improvement Officer from the Local Authority to help improve the attendance of pupils where school has particular concerns.
Please download the application for exceptional leave during term time form here:
Please note no holidays will be authorised during term time.
What should I do if my child is unwell?
We understand that children sometimes become unwell. Occasionally your child may need to be absent from school due to illness, however often this is not the case, and certainly not for a simple cough or cold. Below is some useful information about how you can decide whether they should or shouldn't be in school.
Visit the West Yorkshire Healthier Together website, written by Doctors and Health and Care Staff in West Yorkshire for advice and guidance on a wide range of common illnesses and medical conditions that affect children and young people aged between 0-19, and for advice on when you should / shouldn’t send them to school: