Year 1
Year 1 Staff
Class teacher – Mrs Jones
Support Staff – Mrs Burke and Mrs Harrison
PPA cover – Mrs Pickering
Welcome to Year 1!
Our PE days are on Mondays and Wednesdays
Autumn Learning
Our RE topic this half-term is God's Plan. We will be learning about the creation story and the story of Noah's Ark. The following half term we are focusing on Mary. We will also learn about the importance of the Nativity.
We will be reading stories with familiar settings in English. Our first text is The Tiger Who Came to Tea, we will be writing labels, lists and captions. After half term will be reading and writing traditional tales. We will be writing The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man.
In maths we will be start by focusing on place value to 10, this involves sorting groups, ordering numbers. We will then move onto addition and subtraction.
In History this first half term we will be learning all about the history of our local area. We will be looking at Hunslet, Middleton and Leeds and how our transport has changed. In History after half term we will be learning all about the Gunpowder Plot and why we celebrate Bonfire night.
Within our science lessons, we will be looking at animals and humans. We will be classifying animals and grouping them by what they eat. Then we will learn about our bodies and how to keep them healthy. We will take part in lots of investigations to help our learning.
In computing this half-term the children will be starting to learn how to log on to the computers and develop their mouse skills.
Within our music lessons this half-term the children will be using their voices and bodies to create pulse and rhythm.
Finally in Art the children will be drawing and painting self-portraits and 3D sculptures.
Our Learning in Summer 2
This half-term we are reading The Snail and the Whale in our English lessons. We will be describing characters and retelling the story in a characters point of view. In maths we will be starting to look at time, money and continuing to look at Place Value to 100. The children will be continuing to learn about plants in Science. This half-term we will be learning about the seaside in Geography. We will also be having an exciting trip to Scarborough. In DT the children will be making their own moving vehicles. In RE we will be learning about the Miracles Jesus performed and how we can be more like Jesus. In PE the children will be learning how to play rounders! Finally, in music the children will continue to work on beat and rhythm, starting to read music.
Miss Darvill
Our Learning in Summer 1
This half-term we are reading Prince Cinders in our English lessons. We will be describing characters and retelling the story. In maths we will be starting to look at multiplication and division. The children will be learning their 2's, 5's and 10 times tables. As we are moving unto summer the children will be learning about plants in Science. The children will have the opportunity to grow their own plants. In History, we will be learning about knights and castles. The children will get the chance to build their own castles. In RE we will be learning about the Resurrection and Pentecost. In PE the children will be learning how to play cricket! Finally, in music the children will continue to work on beat and rhythm, starting to read music.
Miss Darvill
Seaside trip to Scarborough
Healthy Eating
As part of our healthy week, year 1 we’re talking about the healthy foods they like to eat. The children brought their own healthy snack. We also got to try some other fruit such as melon, pineapple, watermelon and strawberries.
D-side: Internet safety
Year 1 learnt about the importance of internet safety and how to stay safe online at home.
Science- Plant Hunt
Year 1 went on a plant hunt around school to see if they could find garden plants and wild plants. We found lots of daisies and buttercups.
RE- Ascension Artwork
History- Castles
The children have been learning all about castles. They have learnt different parts of the castle. We also looked at some castles that still stand today. The common favourite was Alnwick Castle because Harry Potter was filmed there. Today the children designed and made their own castles.
Year 1 took part in a tennis session this week. They were using a tennis racket to pass the pall to their partners. They had great fun!
Science-Planting seeds
In today’s lesson, year 1 learnt that plants are grown from seeds and bulbs. The children then planted their own seeds making sure they watered it and put it in sunlight.
PE- Cricket
The children have absolutely loved learning how to play cricket. Today the children were learning how to use a cricket bat. We have some great cricketers in the making!
Maths- Multiplication and division
Year 1 have started their new maths topic today. The children were making equal and unequal groups.
RE- Jesus appears in the upper room
Year 1 we’re acting out the story of when Jesus appeared to his disciple in the Upper room. We discussed how surprised the disciples ,use have felt. The children recalled a time when they were surprised.
Our learning in Spring 2
This half-term our theme is toys! In English we will be reading Traction Man. The children will write character descriptions, create toy adverts and write letters. Our History topic this half-term is all about toys from the past. The children will be deciding why toys from the Victoria time are different to the toys we have now. In DT the children will be making their own kites to fly. In science we will continue to look at everyday materials. The children will be taking part in experiments to see which material is the best to make a rain coat. In maths the children will start to learn about length,height, mass and capacity. Finally in RE our topic is ‘Following Jesus’. The children will learn about who Jesus chose to be his disciples and why.
Science investigation
Year 1 we’re investigating which material would be best to make a boat.
World Book Day- sharing a story with Year 4
Year 1 had the opportunity to share their favourite bedtime story with the Year 4 children.
World Book Day
To start our World Book Day year 1 share their favourite bedtime stories with each other.
Story telling workshop
As part of World Book Week year 1 took part in a story telling workshop linked to our toys topic.
Music- Charanga

Holi dancing workshop

Holi dancing workshop
RSHE Day- Keeping money safe
As part of our RSHE day we have been learning about money and how to keep it safe. In this session we looked at safe places and unsafe places to keep money. The children decided keeping money in a purse or piggy bank was the safest place to keep their money.
RSHE Day- DSide
Year 1 took part in a workshop as part of our RSHE day. The children learnt about keeping our bodies clean and healthy.
Our learning in Spring 1
This half-term our theme is Africa. In English we will be reading Lila and the Secret of Rain. The children will be writing diary entries, information texts and instructions. In maths we are moving onto numbers up to 20, we will start with place value and move onto adding and subtracting numbers. Our Geography topic is all about Africa, we will be researching the country and learning lots of facts. Our Science topic is Everyday materials. We will be learning about the properties of materials and which materials are waterproof. This half-term we will also be starting our new music scheme Charanga. Finally, in Design and Technology, the children will be designing and making healthy smoothies.
DT- Smoothies
RSHE Day- Saying Sorry
Or final TenTen session for our RSHE day was all about saying sorry. The children discussed the significance of saying sorry and how their behaviour can not only upset other people but hurt God too. The children then thought about the top 5 people they would talk to if someone was being unkind to them.
RSHE Day- Treat others well
In this RSHE session, the children discussed the impact their actions can have on other people. The children then completed an activity to decide which actions makes a good friend and which actions make a bad friend.
RSHE Day- Special people
Year 1 started off their RSHE Day by thinking about the special people in their lives. The children understood the importance of the nuclear and wider family. The children discussed the importance of a nuclear and wider family, and of being close to and trusting their special people.
Music- Charanga
Year 1 started their new Charanga music scheme today. They absolutely loved it. They learnt how to keep a 4 beat rhythm.
Our learning in Autumn 2
In English this half term year 1 will be reading and writing traditional tales. We will be writing The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man. In maths we will continue to add and subtract numbers. In RE this half term we are focusing on Mary. We will also learn about the importance of the Nativity. In History this half term we will be learning all about the Gunpowder Plot and why we celebrate Bonfire night. In science we will be learning about animals. We will be classifying them and grouping them by what they eat. In art, the children will be making 3D sculptures. Finally in computing the children will be continuing to improve their mouse skills.
Santa Dash
Year 1 took part in a Santa dash to raise money for St. Gemma’s Hospice.
Nativity Performance
Year 1 and 2 performed their Nativity to the rest of the school today. They were absolutely fantastic!
Tiny Tunes and Tales- Christmas Story
Poetry Workshop
Year1 absolutely loved our poetry workshop today!
Advent Wreath
Year 1 learnt about how we prepare for Christmas. They made their own Wreath ready for our schools Advent Wreath blessing.
RSHE- Calling 999
In RSHE Year 1 we’re learning about what to do if they got lost and how to call 999.
PE- Rugby
Science Workshop- Animals
Year 1 took part in a workshop during Science week. They learnt about how animals camouflage and adapt to their surroundings.
Our Learning in Autumn 1
Our theme this half- term is 'All about me."
We will be reading stories with familiar settings in English. Our first text is The Tiger Who Came to Tea, we will be writing labels, lists and captions.
In maths we will be start by focusing on place value to 10, this involves sorting groups, ordering numbers. We will then move onto addition and subtraction.
Our RE topic this half-term is God's Plan. We will be learning about the creation story and the story of Noah's Ark.
In History this half term we will be learning all about the history of our local area. We will be looking at Hunslet, Middleton and Leeds and how our transport has changed.
Within our science lessons, we will be looking at our human bodies. We will take part in lots of investigations to help learn about our five senses. In computing this half-term the children will be starting to learn how to log on to the computers and develop their mouse skills. Within our music lessons this half-term the children will be using their voices and bodies to create pulse and rhythm.
Finally in Art the children will be drawing and painting self-portraits.
English- Writing instructions
Year 1 have been learning to write instructions. Today we made Faruq’s famous line cookies to help us remember the instructions.
Maths- Part Whole Model
English- Tiger’s Tea Party
To conclude our first English topic, year 1 had a tigers tea party. We have been reading The Tiger Who Came to Tea. They have been writing labels, shopping lists and captions to show what happened in the story.
Art- Black History Week
Year 1 started working on their whole school art project for black history week. We have been looking at African art and patterns. Today we went outside to look for our own patterns to use as inspiration. The children used crayons to rub over different surfaces to create patterns. They then looked at each other’s and we discussed what we liked about them. The children are so excited to paint their patterns onto fabric.
Maths- Ordering numbers
Year 1 have been ordering numbers this week. We played a game of bingo and had to order our numbers from smallest to greatest!
Science- Senses investigation
Year 1 were using their senses today. We experimented with the idea of not being able to use one of our senses. We talked about what other sense we could use instead. The children decided that they would use their sense of hearing instead to complete the obstacle course.
Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed their time in the computer suite. They are learning to log on to the computers and improve their mouse control.
Science- Sound and Sight Walk
Year 1 have been learning about their 5 senses. Today they went on a walk around school to see what they could see and hear. They then went back to class and recorded their findings.
Road Safety
Year 1 had a visitor in class to talk to us about Road safety. They talked about things to look out for and how to stay safe when near the road.
RE- The Creation Story
Year 1 have been learning about the Creation Story in RE. We re-enacted the story using props to help us retell the story. We then reflected on the story and discussed what the story means to us.
Maths- Counting objects from a group
RE- God’s World
Year 1 have been getting creative when thinking about their favourite thing in God’s World. The children used paints and play dough to show me their favourite thing.
Year 1 have been learning how to write labels. In this lesson they wrote labels for their new classroom.