Use your body for the glory of God (Corinthians 6:20)
Our P.E. Intent
At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, we believe that Physical Education (PE) is an essential to ensure all children develop an understanding of a healthy life-style, making connections with physical and emotional health. Our vision is that children will develop a love of physical activity and continue to adopt this healthy life-style into a healthy adult life. All pupils will take part in physical activity for a sustain period of time through high quality teaching and learning opportunities. PE lessons will be fully inclusive of gender, race and mental and physical disabilities, enabling all pupils to develop competence to progress in a broad range of physical activities and provide opportunities for them to compare and evaluate their own performances with previous ones and understand how to improve to achieve their personal best. Lessons are built on skills taught in previous year groups and lessons through a progressive curriculum, using Complete PE as a scheme of work. All pupils will be given the opportunity to learn how to swim confidently in all 3 strokes over 25m metres and perform safe self-rescue before they leave us. All children will have access to and gain confidence and skills to compete in inter and intra school competitions as well as the opportunity to take part in a range of after school clubs.