Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
"Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed."
(The Centurion's Servant: Matthew 8:8)
Mrs Brotherton: Monday-Wednesday
Mrs Elwen: Wednesday-Friday
Mrs Mapplebeck: Monday-Friday
Year 5 Meet the Teacher Slides
We are delighted to welcome you into our Year Five class.
We have an exciting and engaging curriculum planned for the year ahead which we are sure you will enjoy. We will work hard to create a classroom environment where every child is able to develop the talents they have been blessed with, where they feel safe to express themselves and where the spirit of our loving God dwells in the kindness and love we show for each other.
We have lots of interesting trips planned for the year which we are looking forward to taking you on.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to catch us at the end of the school day or ring the school office to book an appointment.
God Bless,
Mrs Brotherton and Mrs Elwen
Key Information:
PE days: Tuesday and Friday
Homework: sent out Friday to be returned by the following Tuesday
Spellings: sent home on a Monday to be tested the following Monday
Reading diaries: to be brought in everyday please
Spring 2
We hope you have all enjoyed half term. We have some exciting topics planned for you this half term. The first week back will see us learning about Catholic Social Teaching - our topic is 'Stewards'.
- RE: Reconciliation. We will reflect on how our actions have consequences. We will learn about the parable of The Lost Son and think about what it tells us about reconciliation. We will find out more about the signs and steps involved in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and make links with scripture
- to retrieve information that is accurate and reliable.
- Guided reading: Mrs Brotherton will continue to read Cosmic. With Mrs Elwen you will begin 'The Highway Man' poem. This is a classic narrative poem from 1906. It tells the story of an 18th Century highwayman who rides the roads at night to rob travellers. He falls for a landlord's daughter called Bess and comes to a terrible fate in a tale of betrayal and sacrifice.
- English: Children will write exciting character and setting descriptions ready to write their very own (as scary or as tame as they like) ghost story inspired by The Highway Man- whose story will scare Mrs Elwen the most? They will then use the poem to write in a different point of view exploring the other characters in the poem.
- Grammar: We will continue to recap the grammar skills we have learnt so far this year as well as learning more about expanded noun phrases, alliteration and personification. We will also learn how to improve our writing by using paragraphs effectively.
- Maths: This half term we will start by recapping short multiplication then move onto long multiplication and division using the bus-stop method. We will then return to Fractions (Mrs Brotherton's favourite!) and learn how to multiply them by a whole number. We will finish the half term finding fractions of a quantity. Mrs Elwen will be teaching Position and Direction: children will learn to reflect and translate shapes in a variety of diagrams.
- History: Crime and Punishment. Children will use their chronological knowledge of British history studied in Years three and four to understand how crime and punishment has changed throughout history until the modern day. We will also have a visit from a Prison Officer!
- Science: Forces. We will carry out investigations to find out more about the following forces: gravity, friction, air resistance and water resistance. Mrs Brotherton is looking forward to us making parachutes and borrowing the scooters from Reception to explore the effects of friction!
- PE: Children will continue to focus on activities to develop their gymnastics and netball skills. Please ensure they come in the correct kit.
- Computing: We will start with online safety then learn how we can use search engines to retrieve information that is accurate and reliable.
- Music: We will continue to enjoy our weekly singing lessons with the Leeds Catholic Diocesan Music Service
Year 5 working hard sewing their toys
Antibiotics workshop
Judaism - Rosh Hashanah
We have learnt about the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah. We tasted some of the foods our Jewish friends eat during their New Year celebrations. Apple dipped in honey represents a sweet year ahead, pomegranate seeds remind them of their 613 commandments and the traditional 'challah' bread represents the end of one year and the start of another.
Aberford Trip
Lineham Farm Residential Parents' Meeting
RSHE Diversity workshop
We learnt the importance of being an upstander and speaking out if we see someone being treated unfairly rather than being a bystander and doing nothing.

Spring 1
We hope you have all had happy and restful Christmas. We have missed you all and are looking forward to teaching this half term's topics and seeing you all again. Here are a few of the things we have in store:
- RE: Inspirational People. We will reflect on what makes a person inspirational and learn about the lives of two truly inspirational Christians: St Damien de Veuster and St Josephine Bakhita. We will find out what Jesus meant by the Beatitudes and think about how that relates to Christian living today.
- Guided reading: NEW BOOK INCOMING
- English: Children will learn about the key features of persuasive letters and of biographies. We we learn about some key people who have travelled to space!
- Grammar: We will recap, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and then move onto learning about relative nouns and clauses.
- Maths: This half term is all about Fractions. We will start by learning how to find equivalent fractions then move onto to improper fractions and mixed numbers. Following that, we will learn how to compare and order fractions. Mrs Elwen will be teaching perimeter and area.
- Geography: Children will learn how to use an atlas and read a map providing 6-figure grid references and be able to identify some symbols on a map.
- Science: Earth and Space - we will learn about the planets in our solar system, find out about the movements of the Sun, Earth and moon.
- Art: Children will look at blending colours and different use of paints for different effects and use inspiration from Milena's space artwork.
- PE: Children will focus on activities to develop their netball skills. Please ensure they come in the correct kit.
- Computing: We will start with online safety then learn how we can use search engines to retrieve information that is accurate and reliable.
- Music: We will continue to enjoy our weekly singing lessons with the Leeds Catholic Diocesan Music Service
Kids in Museums Day - Year Five and Year 6 helping to set up!
Blessing of the Advent Wreaths
Malham 2024
St Andrew's Day - collective worship
Autumn 2
Here are a few of the things we have in store for Autumn 2:
- RE: Our topic is God's Covenant. We will be learning about the covenants God made with Noah, Abraham and Moses and how His promise is relevant to us today.
- Guided reading: We will be reading Great Adventures and will continue to use the Vipers scheme of work.
- English: Children will complete their non-chronological reports. They will plan and write their very own adventure story inspired by the explorers in our guided reading.
- Grammar: We will cover: simple past tense, different types of sentences, modal verbs, determiners, expanded noun phrases and inverted commas.
- Maths: We will be learning more about multiplication and division including finding common factors, common multiples and squared numbers. We will be revisiting formal methods for multiplying and dividing
- Geography: Our topic this half term is Rivers. We will learn about the features of a river, famous rivers from around the world and visit Malham to complete fieldwork activities.
- Science: Our topic for this half term is Animals including Humans. We will be looking at the characteristics of mammals and the life cycle of humans.
- DT: Children will design and create their own soft toy
- PE: Children will focus on the sport dodgeball.
- Computing: We will start with online safety then learn how we can use search engines to retrieve information that is accurate and reliable.
- Music: We will enjoy weekly singing lessons with the Leeds Catholic Diocesan Music Service.
Our Science workshop at Mount Saint Mary's
Planting bulbs in the Prayer Garden
Our exciting trip to Mathscity
Our collective worship in the Prayer Garden
We read the prayers we had written thanking God for the wonderful world He has created for us to look after.
WW1 workshop at the Royal Armouries
Our Taster day at Mount St Mary's
Our New Beginnings book of prayers
We would like to share some of the prayers we wrote on our transition morning in preparation for joining Year 5.
Autumn 1
We are very much looking forward to teaching this half term's topics. Here are a few of the things we have in store:
- RE: Creation - we will explore the Creation story from the Bible and investigate how this differs from the Big Bang Theory. We will also learn about our role as God's stewards who have been appointed to take care of our World.
- Guided reading: Armistice Runner- two lives connected by memory. Can Lily win the race? We will continue to use the Vipers scheme of work.
- English: Children will learn about the key features of diary entries and using their learning from History and Guided reading lessons will create their own fantastic diary entry with emotive language. We will then move onto create a non-chronological report about WWI.
- Grammar: We will recap, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, contractions, and different types of sentences.
- Maths: We will start with place value and will be comparing, ordering and rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and even 100,000. From there we will move onto Addition and Subtraction and we'll soon become confident working with numbers up to 7-digits!
- History: Children will lean about the events that led to WWI, the key nations in the war, life in the trenches and the impact of the sinking of the Lusitania. Children will have opportunities question and look at sources to form their own opinions.
- Science: Properties of Materials - we will investigate solubility, thermal insulators and conductors as well as reversible and irreversible changes.
- Art: Children will learn about art and design skills, such as shading and observation skills linked to WWI.
- PE: Children will focus on activities to develop their athletics skills including: sustaining pace over a longer distance in running, developing jumping techniques and throwing with greater accuracy.
- Computing: We will start with online safety then learn how we can use search engines to retrieve information that is accurate and reliable.
- Music: We will enjoy weekly singing lessons with the Leeds Catholic Diocesan Music Service.
Year Five 2023/2024
Mrs Brotherton (Monday - Wednesday)
Mrs Elwen (Wednesday - Friday)
Mrs Mulvey (Teaching Assistant)
Welcome back after half term, as always if you have any questions no matter how big or small do come and speak to us so we can promptly sort out any issues that may arise. You can contact us at or speak to us at the end of the school day when we are dismissing the class.
Warm wishes,
Mrs Elwen and Mrs Brotherton
I promised Year 5 an escape room activity this year. Well done on your determination to solve 13 difficult puzzles!
A HUGE well done to our (soon to be) published poets!
Releasing the butterflies!
Mount St Mary's Science workshop
Our Fantastic trip to Pizza Express!
Year Five enjoying PE this week
Next Half Term: Summer 1
It was great to see and speak to so many supportive parents at parents' evening this half term. It was lovely hearing how much the children enjoy school and want to do well. We have loved teaching your children and they really are working hard.
The upcoming Summer term will be an exciting and enriching time for our students. The preparation for transition to Year Six and our Year Five residential trip are sure to provide valuable opportunities for growth, building friendships and creating lasting memories. Wishing everyone a restful and enjoyable holiday break before diving into the upcoming term.
- RE: Life in The Risen Lord. We will use scripture sources to explore the stories of Jesus returning to spend time with His disciples after the Resurrection. We will examine various art depictions of the Resurrection story and think about what message they tell. Before Jesus died, He taught His disciples how to pray: we will look in detail at The Lord's Prayer and the Rosary and reflect on how they can help us to better pray.
- Guided reading: We will read- Who Let the God's Out? 'When a shooting star crashes to earth, it lands Eliot smack bang in the path of Virgo - a young Zodiac goddess on a mission. But when the pair accidentally release Thanatos, a wicked death daemon imprisoned beneath Stonehenge, they've got nowhere to turn for help but to the old Olympian gods.'
- English: Children will be encouraged to apply their grammar skills when writing a Greek myth using their knowledge of Ancient Greece and moving on to write a Chronological Report.
- Grammar: We will continue to recap the grammar skills we have learnt so far this year as well as learning more about: colons (colon intended), brackets (previous brackets also intended), dashes and paragraphs.
- Maths: We're all going to have fun this term finishing off our Fractions topic and then moving onto Decimals and Percentages with Mrs Brotherton. Mrs Elwen will be teaching the Perimeter and Area topic. We will continue to practise our times tables so those skills are at our fingertips!
- History: Ancient Greece. Children will learn about Ancient Greek city states and compare two powerful ones: Athens and Sparta. Children will use sources to discover what events took place during the Ancient Olympics and explain how they have influenced the Olympics we know today. Children will learn about Alexander the Great and make their own conclusion as to whether he was really 'Great' or not.
- Science: Living Things and their Habitat. We will be learning about the different stages of an animal's and plant's life cycle. We will find out how seeds are formed and dispersed, how water is transported in a plant and factors that affect plant growth.
- DT: Children will design and create an Ancient Greek Vase.
- PE: We will be learning tag rugby skills with Mr Hanson.
- Computing: We will start with online safety then learn how we can use search engines to retrieve information that is accurate and reliable.
- Music: We will continue to enjoy our weekly singing lessons with the Leeds Catholic Diocesan Music Service
- French: Children will continue their lessons with Mrs Jobbins
Crime and Punishment
The children are learning a song in Makaton. Follow the link to try it at home.
Makaton CarPark Karaoke - ROAR - Singing Hands - YouTube
Investigating air resistance
We were given the task of creating a parachute which would descend slowly. We discovered that the bigger the canopy we made, the slower the descent due to the increase in air resistance.
Judaism - Rosh Hashanah
We have learnt about the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah. We tasted some of the foods our Jewish friends eat during their New Year celebrations. Apple dipped in honey represents a sweet year ahead, pomegranate seeds remind them of their 613 commandments and the traditional 'challah' bread represents the end of one year and the start of another.
Spring 2
We are very much looking forward to teaching this half term's topics. Here are a few of the things we have in store:
- RE: Reconciliation. We will reflect on how our actions have consequences. We will learn about the parable of The Lost Son and think about what it tells us about reconciliation. We will find out more about the signs and steps involved in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and make links with scripture
- Guided reading: The Highwayman. This is a classic narrative poem from 1906. It tells the story of an 18th Century highwayman who rides the roads at night to rob travellers. He falls for a landlord's daughter called Bess and comes to a terrible fate in a tale of betrayal and sacrifice.
- English: Having studied The Highwayman in guided reading, the children will use this to help them create a ghost story- whose story will scare Mrs Elwen the most? They will then use the poem to write in a different point of view exploring the other characters in the poem.
- Grammar: We will continue to recap the grammar skills we have learnt so far this year as well as learning more about expanded noun phrases, alliteration and personification. We will also learn how to improve our writing by using paragraphs effectively.
- Maths: This half term we will start by recapping short multiplication then move onto long multiplication and division using the bus-stop method. We will then return to Fractions (Mrs Brotherton's favourite!) and learn how to multiply them by a whole number. We will finish the half term finding fractions of a quantity. Mrs Elwen will be teaching Position and Direction: children will learn to reflect and translate shapes in a variety of diagrams.
- History: Crime and Punishment. Children will use their chronological knowledge of British history studied in Years three and four to understand how crime and punishment has changed throughout history until the modern day. We will also have a visit from a Prison Officer!
- Science: Forces. We will carry out investigations to find out more about the following forces: gravity, friction, air resistance and water resistance. Mrs Brotherton is looking forward to us making parachutes and borrowing the scooters from Reception to explore the effects of friction!
- DT: Children will design and make a sling shot car.
- PE: Children will continue to focus on activities to develop their gymnastics and netball skills. Please ensure they come in the correct kit.
- Computing: We will start with online safety then learn how we can use search engines to retrieve information that is accurate and reliable.
- Music: We will continue to enjoy our weekly singing lessons with the Leeds Catholic Diocesan Music Service
Bible Week
We had great fun finding out more about The Old and New Testaments. We searched for passages from the Bible and created our own books of the Bible. We then created our own Bible-themed artwork.
To help us understand how the Earth rotates as it orbits the Sun while it is being orbited by the Moon, we acted out the movements on the school field.

Aberford Map Walk
Lineham Farm Information
Spring 1
We are very much looking forward to teaching this half term's topics. Here are a few of the things we have in store:
- RE: Inspirational People. We will reflect on what makes a person inspirational and learn about the lives of two truly inspirational Christians: St Damien de Veuster and St Josephine Bakhita. We will find out what Jesus meant by the Beatitudes and think about how that relates to Christian living today.
- Guided reading: The Explorer. Who is he and will he help the children to ever find home? We will continue to use the Vipers scheme of work.
- English: Children will learn about the key features of persuasive letters and of biographies. Children will research about famous Amazon Explorers and write a biography for them.
- Grammar: We will recap, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and then move onto learning about relative nouns and clauses.
- Maths: This half term is all about Fractions. We will start by learning how to find equivalent fractions then move onto to improper fractions and mixed numbers. Following that, we will learn how to compare and order fractions. Mrs Elwen will be teaching Shape: children will be learning all about angles including how to use a protractor.
- Geography: Children will learn how to use an atlas and read a map providing 6-figure grid references and be able to identify some symbols on a map
- Science: Earth and Space - we will learn about the planets in our solar system, find out about the movements of the Sun, Earth and moon.
- Art: Children will look at blending colours and different use of paints for different effects and use inspiration from Milena's space artwork ready for our own art gallery display on 28th February!
- PE: Children will focus on activities to develop their gymnastics and netball skills. Please ensure they come in the correct kit.
- Computing: We will start with online safety then learn how we can use search engines to retrieve information that is accurate and reliable.
- Music: We will continue to enjoy our weekly singing lessons with the Leeds Catholic Diocesan Music Service
Singing at Aspen Hill Nursing Home
Malham Cove - our amazing Geography field trip!
St Andrew's Day collective worship
Science Week - Fit for Flight

Investigation to see if temperature affects the speed at which sugar dissolves
Anti-bullying Odd Socks day
Thinking like Historians...
Maths City Visit
Working Scientifically
Children wrote their own methods which they then used to carry out an investigation to find which materials were the best thermal insulators.
Our visit to Mount St Mary's
We had great fun learning what life is like at secondary school. We especially enjoyed being taught how to play along to a George Ezra song on ukuleles!
The children have enjoyed mixing colours. We learnt about primary, secondary and tertiary colours then created our own.

Investigating properties of materials
We used a scratch test to determine the 'hardness' of a variety of materials. We then evaluated the degree of trust we could put in our test. We concluded that our test was not very trustworthy!
Our Mini Vinnies
Our School Councillors
Meet The Teacher Slides
Curriculum Long Term Plans
Autumn 1
We are very much looking forward to teaching this half term's topics. Here are a few of the things we have in store:
- RE: Creation - we will explore the Creation story from the Bible and investigate how this differs from the Big Bang Theory. We will also learn about our role as God's stewards who have been appointed to take care of our World.
- Guided reading: Armistice Runner- two lives connected by memory. Can Lily win the race? We will continue to use the Vipers scheme of work.
- English: Children will learn about the key features of diary entries and using their learning from History and Guided reading lessons will create their own fantastic diary entry with emotive language. We will then move onto create a non-chronological report about WWI.
- Grammar: We will recap, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, contractions, and different types of sentences.
- Maths: We will start with place value and will be comparing, ordering and rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and even 100,000. From there we will move onto Addition and Subtraction and we'll soon become confident working with numbers up to 7-digits!
- History: Children will lean about the events that led to WWI, the key nations in the war, life in the trenches and the impact of the sinking of the Lusitania. Children will have opportunities question and look at sources to form their own opinions.
- Science: Properties of Materials - we will investigate solubility, thermal insulators and conductors as well as reversible and irreversible changes.
- Art: Children will learn about art and design skills, such as shading and observation skills linked to WWI.
- PE: Children will focus on activities to develop their athletics skills including: sustaining pace over a longer distance in running, developing jumping techniques and throwing with greater accuracy.
- Computing: We will start with online safety then learn how we can use search engines to retrieve information that is accurate and reliable.
- Music: We will continue to enjoy our weekly singing lessons with the Leeds Catholic Diocesan Music Service