Useful Links
Below are links to useful websites and learning platforms, that you and your child can access. Please be aware that if your child is using the internet that you are monitoring their use to keep them safe and that you have appropriate filters in place.
MATHS this is an excellent website for pupils to use in order to develop key maths facts such as number bonds, timestables, doubles and halves and other mental recall facts that pupils are expected to know. (Downloadable App available.) this BBC website has a variety of games designed to help pupils in all the different strands of mathematics. This website has a variety of maths games for pupils to practice a variety mathematical elements.
LITERACY-reading/writing/grammar/spelling Useful for KS1 and some pupils in Year3/4 to consolidate learning on nouns, verbs, adjectives, commas and capital letters. Both these websites are designed to help help children learn the common exception words for their year group. This is an excellent website for pupils to practise spellings rules and patterns they should be familiar with for their year group. Useful for Reception and KS1 to help with alphabetical ordering of words. This website has a free 30 trial for parents and children. The website has a range of e-books and reading activities to help your child with their reading. EYFS and KS1. This website is free to use during the school closures and is designed to support children with their phonics. To log in please use the following Username and Password. USERNAME:march2020 PASSWORD:home!/login Kitaboo ebooks have made all their children's audio and e-books free for the duration of the school closures. You will need to signup to create a login and password but will then have access to many books to read with your child. If you are signed up with any of the Leeds libraries and have a library card you can access e-books and e-audio books here to use. This BBC website has a range of games and activities designed to help children with many aspects of the English Curriculum.
Using a search engine and searching for 'Grammar Games' will also provide other links to grammar games your child can play to help them continue learning whilst they are off school, but please make sure you check these before letting your child play on them.
Each year group will have been studying a variety of different themes and topics. The curriculum newsletters sent out at the start of the half term with specific ways you can help your child in these areas can be viewed on the school website under your child's relevant year group page.
BBC Bitesize website has a range of activites and resources linked to various aspects of the curriculum for different year groups. These websites allows pupils to learn and test their knowledge of countries and cities around world.
COMPUTING A website for Reception & KS1 children, which will allow them to practise basic computing instuctions and coding through use of a beebot. There is also a downloadable app. KS2 This website allows pupils to practice their computing and coding skills, whilst having fun at the same time.
Please be aware that all these websites are run and operated by other parties and companies and St. Joseph's is not liable for any of the content that they contain. Please check websites and online games your child may be playing on and promote appropriate and safe use of technology and the internet.