Living Simply
We have accepted the invitation from Pope Francis in his Laudato Si’ to ‘work with generosity and tenderness in protecting this world which God has entrusted us’. Our livesimply aim is to strive in all areas of school life to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with others. Simply, by using fewer resources and being less wasteful. Sustainably, by recycling wherever possible. In solidarity, by reaching out to support others through our actions and prayers. In this way, we will be living out our Mission Statement of following in the footsteps of Jesus.
When St Joseph's decided that we would we like to respond to Pope Francis' call to Live Simply we met first with parents then with our children to think of ways we could change small things within our school to help us acheive this aim. We watched this video from Pope Fancis in which he appeals to us all to take greater care of our planet and each other. Together we came up with ideas under the headings to Live Simply, Live Sustainably and Live in Solidarity.
Laudato Si - A Letter From Pope Francis

Live Simply
- We appointed Energy Saving monitors in each class to be responsible for switching off lights and the interactive screen each time the room is left empty.
- We appointed Recycling monitors to ensure ALL materials that could be recycled in class were being put in the recycling container.
- All staff have been strongly encouraged to reduce the amount of paper they print off by reducing, double siding and sharing more copies between children in class.
- For Science and Creative Curriculum combine key words with the front cover and no longer use 'What I would like to know' sheet for each topic. This saves us 2,400 sheets of paper per year!
- For RE, put key words and 'I can' statments on front cover. This saves 1,200 sheets of paper per year!
Live Sustainably
- We are planning to work in partnership with Energy Heroes a group funded by Northern Power Group. The aim is to investigate and implement how we can save energy in school.
- We have introduced a scheme, in partnership with terracycle, to recycle pens when they are no longer of any use. This includes white board pens, felt tips, biros, high-lighters and correction fluid. In fact, we are able to recycle ALL our pens in school!
Live in Solidarity
- We have introduced community stalls in school to recycle toys, books and clothes.
- We have made and sent Christmas cards to our local nursing home Larchfields, PAFRAS (Positive Action For Refugees and Asylum Seekers) and SVP
- We are making Easter cards to send to our Larchfields, PAFRAS and SVP.