Spring - Planting Beans
We used the different gardening resources in school to plant our own beans. We learned what they would need to grow. We can’t wait to observe what happens!
Autumn - Paper Planes
We made and designed our own paper aeroplanes. We took them outside and observed what happened when they were flying.
Autumn - Making Icing
On our Elmer Day, we decorated biscuits. We explored dry icing and what happened when water was added. We observed how it changed from a dry powder into a gloopy icing which we were able to spread onto our biscuits.
Autumn - Seasonal Walk/Wreath
In autumn, we went on an autumnal walk around our school grounds. We explored what we could hear, see, smell and what different areas felt like. We learned words to describe what we could feel, such as crunchy leaves.
We then collected different objects (such as twigs, leaves, conkers) to create an autumnal decorative wreath.
Autumn - Our World
We learned about the world around us. We explored the globe and identified the sea and land, then talked about what might grow or live in each of these places. We learned that animals can live in the sea and on land, but have different features. We also learned that plants can grow in the sea and on land too. We looked through books and pictures at different animals and naming them, we then painted our favourite animal.
We learned it is important to look after our world, and as a class, we planted some cress seeds to learn what plants need to grow and how we can take care of them.