‘St Joseph’s: Following in the footsteps of Jesus. Having fun learning, achieving and loving together.’
We are a happy, caring and highly inclusive school.
We are immensely proud of all our wonderful children in everything they do and achieve. Our aim is to nurture and encourage each child to be the very best they can be. Here at St Joseph’s we have high expectations and we strive to develop our children academically, socially, morally and spiritually.
SEND Offer
Below are the documents setting out the school provision for children Special Educational needs and Disabilities. Each document below is written alongside the SEN Code of Practice.
Our Acting SENDCo is Miss Laidler, if you have any questions or you would like to discuss anything about your child, please contact Miss Laidler by:
- Coming into school to arrange an appointment
- On the school telephone number (0113) 2712093
- Emailing the school office -
- Emailing Miss Laidler directly -
SEND and Inclusion Policy
Leeds Local Offer
The Leeds Local Offer website ( is for those 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and has been operational since September 2014. The Leeds Local Offer is a single place where young people with SEND, their parents and carers and professionals can find out about services that are available in Leeds. It is not just a directory of services, it is the unique place where young people with SEND and their families can provide suggestions for improving services and for new services they need.
Education Heath Care Plans (EHCPs)

In some cases, school or parents may feel that a highly lever of support is needed and an EHCP may be applied for. An EHCP is a document which sets an individualised and specific programme of support and is written for the child by a range of professionals.
Please speak with Miss Laidler or a member of our Senior Leadership Team if you would like further information.
SEND Concerns and Complaints
We aim to provide a quality and well-rounded education for all of the children at St. Joseph's, including those with SEND. We do recognise though, that at times parents may have concerns regarding the provision their child receives.
If you have any concerns then we would encourage parents to speak to either the class teacher, our SENDCO (Miss Laidler) or any other member of senior leadership. We would then work together to resolve any issues.
If you did not feel your concerns were being listened to, then the complaints policy and procedure can be followed. Should you require further guidance then parents can also contact SENDIASS, (the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) in Leeds), who can provide free, impartial and confidential advice to families.