Remote Learning
Online Remote Learning at St Joseph's
From Monday 18th January we are moving most of our remote/ home learning from the website to Purple Mash and Mini Mash.
You can use this link to be taken straight to St Joseph's
log in page
This page has been set up to give you more information about '2Dos', Mini Mash and how to hand in work via Purple Mash.
If you require any support with Purple Mash, please email or contact school and we will be able to help.
Please continue to check the school website as teachers will still be using the class pages for keeping in touch and uploading photographs.
We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects for example, some practical parts of subject which require specific equipment that we have in school. In these cases, we will do our best to find online representations to replace the practical learning which would take place in school.
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:
loaning IT equipment where possible
providing printed work
Logging on for the first time
When logging on for the first time you will need to follow the speical link to St Joseph's Purple Mash (please click the link above).
Your child will then need to log on using their individual username and password. These have all been emailed and sent out to you.
Once you have logged on, we would like you to make an avatar - you will see a circle with a person picture in the top right-hand corner. Click on this to create your avatar.
*If you are using a tablet, you may need to rotate your screen to see all the features*
Finding your work on Purple Mash
When you log in you will see this menu bar at the top of the page -
Home - The home button will take you back to the home page of Purple Mash. You will also be able to get to Mini Mash on the home page.
2Do's - This will list all the 2Do's you have to do that day. You will find lessons, activities and videos to watch. This is also where you will hand your work in once you have finished a 2Do.
Work - All your work will be stored here. If you complete any extra activities (like paint) they will be put into your folder in here. Once a 2Do has been handed in and marked, it will come back to you in a 2Do folder.
Sharing - Some class teachers may set up a class blog, which you will be able to see here.
Alert bell - This alert bell will let you know when 2Dos have been set. If you click on the bell and see a new alert, there is a 'go to' button which you can press and it will take you to the 2Do.
Rewards - As time goes on, a rewards trophy may also be seen in this bar. This will store your rewards from your class teachers.
Uploading and handing in work
If you are completing a game/quiz or something else on the Purple Mash site, you will be able to 'hand it in' using the button on the 2Do.
*One thing to note is that if you get the game on a Monday and it's not due in until Friday, you can try it as many time as you will like before handing it in. If you hand it in on Monday, you won't be able to go back and impove your scores.*
If you are handing in a piece of work not done on Purple Mash (for example a piece of writing), then first you will have to upload it to your computer or tablet. You could do this by scanning it in or taking a photograph.
You will then click 'hand in' on the 2Do - it will look like this.
You will then be able to browse your computer or tablet to find the document and upload it. It will then be given your child's name and sent to the teacher automatically.
Using Mini Mash
You will only be able to use Mini Mash if you can see this icon on the home page.
Please see the Mini Mash user document in the document file above.
Once on Mini Mash, the children are free to explore all the different activities linked to the Early Years, as the site is set out in areas of provision.
If they complete any work and save it, it will be saved in the trays. Each child has their own tray.
Teachers may also set extra 'pins' for your child to have a go at. These pins will be at the top of the page on the right-hand side and be related to a topic or theme.