RE: Mysteries
This half term the children will develop their knowledge and understanding of the term ‘mystery’ and of the Christian understanding of God as ‘Trinity’. We then go on to outline the story of Jesus’ birth and the role played by the Holy Spirit and angels through the characters of Mary and Jose
This half term we will be reading ‘Bob the Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram, 'look Up' by Nathan Bryon and 'Solar System' by Dominic Walliman. The children will be writing our own non-chronological report and write story to entertain. In our punctuation and grammar lessons we will improve our use of full stops, capital letters, question marks and exclamation marks.
In addition and subtract this half term we will be learning
- Bonds to 10
- Fact families - addition and subtraction bonds within 20
- Related facts
- Bonds to 100 (tens)
- Add and subtract 1s
- Add by making 10
- Add three 1-digit numbers
- Add to the next 10
Science: Living things and their habits
Through a range of practical investigations and experiments, the children will consider the life processes that all living things have in common, pupils classify objects into alive, was once alive or has never been alive. They name plants and animals in a range of habitats and recognise how living things depend on each other. Pupils create food chains to show the sequence that living things eat each other.
History: Kings and Queens
In this unit, children will learn about the Monarchy and how Alfred the Great was seen to be the first king who wanted to create/unite England. They will learn about how we know things about Richard III to develop their enquiry skills and questioning through looking at a range of sources. Children will compare what a medieval King would have eaten in comparison with Queen Elizabeth II at their coronation. They will research Queen Elizabeth I.
DT: Food – A balanced diet
The children will learn to name the main food groups and identify foods that belong to each group. Describe the taste, texture and smell of a given food. Think of four different wrap ideas, considering flavour combinations. Construct a wrap that meets the design brief and their plan.
This term Year 2 will be learning Football on Mondays and Health and Wellbeing exercise with a specialist coach on Thursdays.
This half term we will be singing a South African song and developing our musical skills by learning to use their hands and feet to create music.
Computing: Word Processing
By the end of the unit children will be able to:
- Know what a Computer is.
- Access the internet safety at an age appropriate level